Machine Intelligence Signal And Network (MISN Lab)
Recent technological advancements in the internet, biology, basic sciences, engineering, and finance have produced large and complex data sets. By using techniques from optimization, signal processing, high-dimensional statistics, graph theory, and machine learning, we develop data-driven methods to solve optimization and learning problems arising from these new technologies. More specifically our impetus is on graph machine learning theory and applications, optimization theory, federated learning, wireless, networks, and machine learning for computational neuroscience, medicine, and earth sciences.
Recent Updates
● Our paper "Optimization Framework for Semi-supervised Attributed Graph Coarsening " got accepted to [] .Congratulations to Manoj and Subhanu.
● Our paper "No prejudice! Fair Federated Graph Neural Networks for Personalized Recommendation " got accepted to AAAI 2024.Congratulations to Nimesh and Anuj for their great efforts
● Our Paper " Linear Complexity Framework for Feature-Aware Graph Coarsening via Hashing" ,got accepted to NeurIPS Workshop in Frontiers in Graph Learning. Congratulations to Mohit, Aditi, and Rocktim.
● Congratulations to Hemanthika and Subhanu for receiving the prestigious PMRF doctoral fellowship.
● Our Paper "Graph of Circuits with GNN for Exploring the Optimal Design Space" got accepted to [NeurIPS 2023], Congratulations to Aditya, Sapna, and Ankesh!
● Congratulations to Jyotismita for receiving the prestigious TCS doctoral fellowship.
● Our Paper "Featured Graph Coarsening with Similarity Guarantees" got accepted to [ICML 2023], Congratulations to Manoj, Anurag, and Shaswat!
● Congratulations to Raghav on his work "Decodability of Eigenspace of EEG Graph for Motor Imagery Task" to the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2023) in a poster session.
● Congratulations to Aditya on his work "Graph Machine Learning assisted Analog Circuit Designing" being accepted to the Design Automation Conference (DAC 2023) in the work-in-progress category.
● Our Paper "A Unified Framework for Optimization-Based Graph Coarsening" got accepted to the Journal of Machine Learning (JMLR 2023) Congratulations to Manoj and Anurag [paper].
● Congratulations to Vipul and Nikita for receiving the prestigious Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF).
● Congratulations to Aditi and Rocktim for winning the best B.Tech Thesis award. They worked on developing a feature-aware graph coarsening algorithm for scaling graph machine learning.
● Congratulations to Bharat and Vivek for getting the best student paper award at theIEEE SPCOMM conference. [Photo]..
Reach out to MISN Lab
MISN Lab, Block III, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas ,110016